Tuesday 20 December 2016

Task - 7

Business Card

Business cards are cards that have business information for an individual or their company. They are passed like swapping phone numbers but in a formal direction as they could be the memory aid to a client wanting to work, this can help a business. A business card characteristically contains the owners name, company name and what they specialise in accompanied by a logo, along with contact information like street addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses and website. Now I used the word (characteristically) when describing a business card, because the card must have character, your character in fact so a client remembers the type of person you are and the business card must radiate and shadow you like a national insurance number; by just looking at the card a client must be able to link you and the card together. Therefore, ingenuity has evolved the business card but I will talk more about this later. Traditionally business cards were simply black text on white card.

There are many different programs available to produce a business card some include Windows, Linux and macOS. These programs can help when sending the electronic form of the card to a printshop. I have made my own amateur card using Adobe Photoshop, this contains layout tools and text editing to make the business card authentic and new in multiple styles started from scratch. These are the first steps to make a clever business card. 

Now business cards don’t have to be made simply from paper or card, this is where years of ingenuity and evolving businesses comes to play as special business cards can be made from plastic, some materials include metallic plastics, crystal like plastics and translucent plastics. To continue, special materials like metals and rubber along with magnets and crazy poker chips, even hard wood are extraordinarily used. To me the real wood shows a presence of strength and tradition. Then the text can be changed instead of using simple black ink, what seems to be popular today is water colours on text as many companies who make business cards have multiple options on the type of inks and paints used.

Although business cards are evolving countries like Japan like to keep to it traditional and respectful, a Japanese business card is called a meishi. It mostly includes the company name at the top in a large print, accompanied by the job title and then the name of the individual. A meishi is like a presentation to another person this is to convey formality and is ritualistic not traditionally used in other countries. The card is held at the top two corners, faced up and turned so that it can be easily read by the person receiving the meishi, the person receiving it carefully grabs it by the bottom corners using both hands. Placing fingers over the name or any information is reflected as rude, which can place the person receiving the card or business in a blacklist this means a group of people who are untrustworthy and excluded from everything. when receiving the meishi, it is expected that the card is read over, being mindful of the person's name and position in the business. Then the phase "choudai itashimasu" should be said meaning "I accept your name card" and then a traditional bow. When a meishi is being exchanged the difference, status is furthermore expressed, as for example the president of a company and someone in middle management exchange meishi, it is respectful that the person of lower status must express their meishi as below the person with higher prestige.

Throughout the year’s business cards have become wrapped in culture and ingenuity since the first business cards in 1895 created by Attorney at Law and their business cards show what they do.

Now in today’s world that might work, but if you want someone or a business to be interested in you and remember your name, you must wow. Here are examples of more clever business cards and video game business cards:

A business card is a professional and easy way to exchange information or gain it. In my business card it only includes the company name and logo, this is because this will not be my official business card i wanted to start off with a company name and logo on a simple business card and in the future change it by adding more to it. I will explain why i have chose this style of business card. Firstly, i am going to address the fact that i want to be in the video game industry. My card has the layout of a Yu-Gi-oh! card this is a popular card game involving monsters and battling. I have done this to further convey that i am in the video game industry. The name of the company "BoardRoom Games" is placed at the top off the card. Next my logo is a controller in the middle of a round table around people in suits. This is to express the professionalism of my company even though it is based off a card game. I created this logo because to me it is symbolising King Arthur and The knights of the round table a legend i like, in fact i am considering adding swords to the men in suits but this might be too intimidating. Underneath the logo i have a description of the company that isn't as professional as i want it to be but in time i will add my email, address, website and ETC.

To conclude i think business cards are a necessity to a company looking to adventure into cooperating with other parties in the industry and as a game developer wanting my own company it can also contribute into getting employment acting like a fun little version of a CV. Lastly it is also a great way to start ties and relationships with people in the industry because a good business card can make an impact.


Monday 19 December 2016

Task 6 - Documents

Documents in the industry

Three contacts can help with this first is a Partnership Agreement. This contract is a basic list of questions that are the bridges to a partnership because in a venture that consists of more than one person, there must be a written agreement between these people to make a partnership. Some of these questions include:
What can the partners bring to the partnership?
How are the profits and losses apportioned?
What is each partners ongoing contribution to the partnership?
What happens when the partnership dissolves? 
There are many more questions depending on the partners field of work but this is a good starting point for any potential partnerships.  

Next is the Work-For-Hire Agreement in a situation a partnership hires a contractor to create game assets like, art, music and programming. Without an agreement or an employer-employee relationship, the individual who created the assets could be entitled to be the owner of the copyright to that work. To continue this agreement will help avoid for any potential future claims for royalties from a contractor. Furthermore having the contractor sign the agreement that state the assets as "works-made-for-hire," and list all rights to employer will help you avoid these hazards.

Final we have the Licensing Agreement this is when a developer is working with intellectual property of another like, trademark or copyrighted characters. This very important to get the genuine licensing agreement in place. A verbal or handshake deal might not be enough. In a situation where the product is a big success the license agreement needs to be defined in detail. If this is not met then this could mean some costly lawsuits in the future as the licensor will try and get their cut of the profits. For example:

Since 1993 EA has worked with FIFA to produce the global football game with the same name fifa since then it has become the most popular sports game to date. In May 2013 this licensing agreement was coming to a close this would mean EA couldn't make the fife games anymore as the FIFA company owns these rights. Although at the time it seemed there wouldn't be another fifa video game, a division in EA (EA sports) managed to come to a licensing agreement with FIFA till December 31 2022. This agreement states:

EA Sports maintains exclusive rights to release FIFA-branded action and management video games. In addition, EA Sports also holds exclusive rights to release the official FIFA World Cup video game, as well as retaining its status as a Presenting Partner of the FIFA Interactive World Cup.

These are the common problems in the video game industry but these contracts will help avoid this. Rule #2 contact or employ a game lawyer who knows the ins and outs of the business.

Recce report
This is a report of the locations i used to film. A Recce Report has been taken from a military term now used by media, this report is recording information about the location you wish to film at. It includes access to facilitates or lighting and sound issues. This document is very important as it they could find a location that fits the time setting they want to film in, but next door there is a work site meaning the loud noise could affect the filming and prologue the time of production. They include Pro and Cons this is really helpful as finding the perfect location is hard. This could mean less time filming and more time editing.

Risk assessment
This document is about the risk towards health and safety while filming in location. Risk Assessments are organised documents used to find potential risks while filming in a studio or outside location and prevent them using a action plan to resolve any damages that might happen. I used a Risk Assessment myself when filming my own documentary it included that i have many wires in my room so when recording game play i taped the wires to the ground to prevent trips and falls. It also included that drinks wouldn't be drank to prevent damage to my equipment encase of slips.

CV this stands for curriculum vitae these are Latin words for course of life. This is a document made by yourself that lists your education, skills and experience. It can be used to give to an employer when searching for a job, like a business card a CV has your Email, address, postcode and full name.  

In this dream CV i left out my address and email because i want to keep my privacy.

GDD  game design document

A Game Design Document or GDD will begin in the pre-production of a video games development. Not before the pitch but after when the project has been approved. This is a ever changing document because of the enterprising environment of the games design industry which is very fluid in direction of starting, changing or aborting a project. This document can be even changed daily which is why it is also given the name of "Living Document". It will start of with the basics of explaining stages of the project development but by the end it will be expanded, this is encase the game is a huge success  and the developers want to rediscover the wining formula, or it is not a success helping them understand what went wrong. This document will has the context of text, images, hand drawn diagrams and even concept art. Although this document sounds professional it is not a industry standard it is very useful for most game designers and developers. It would be useful to record story, characters, art, level and environment design, sound and music, game controls and game play. Overall i describe this document as a bible for a video games and is useful in teams to find their advantages and disadvantages.

Michael E. Moore (6 Sep 2011). Game Development Essentials: Game industry career guide. the University of Michigan: Delmar/Cengage Learning, 2010. p5-323.


Friday 30 September 2016

Task 2 - job roles

Task 2

Creative development
Game designer - this role comprises of designing a game through 3D modelling and animating a game design will also focus on gameplay and the story of the game. An example is Hironobu Sakaguchi a
Japanese Game Developer who created the long lasting series Final Fantasy which has sold over 100 million copies and each game is praised for its unique story.

Level editor - a level editor will design levels, maps, campaigns and virtual worlds in video games.

Lead artist - a lead artist will design art for a video game and being the lead they will manage and help a team creative concept art for a video game.

Technical artist - this person will be the bridge between programmer and artist this person will not directly be involved like a producer but will act as a advisor for both teams for example finding a new modelling techniques and updating new script language for the coders.

Artist - a person who will create drawings or 3D models from ideas for example concept art. An example is freelance artist Ryan DeMtia who was brought in by Bungie to create ideas for a new level in their game Destiny, Ryan created everything from ships and bosses which in my opinion brought with him a fun and good looking game that saved the Bungie from losing their players.

Animator - this person will take drawings or 3D modeled art and bring it to life with movement.

Audio engineer - this person will work with the technical aspects of sound whilst recording, these people will assist in the development of audio for a game with a Foley artist.

Technical development

Game programmer - this person has knowledge of software engineer, programming and computer science who will develop code bases for video games.

Lead game programmer - this person will lead a team of programmers who is responsible for creating code which runs the game, this person will also manage the overall code development process.

Project implementation

Project manager/producer - this person will guarantee the delivery of a successful video game on time and within budget ultimately managing the development of the game without being involved too much.

Assistant producer - this person will work with the project manager or producer and production staff to deliver the game on time.                                                                                        

External producer - this person will guarantee that the publisher will have all the information to make the game sucsessful through marketing, this person will not be involved with marketing but will supply the marketing team with information for the video game. They will work externally work with the development team.

Creative director - a creative director will have the responsibility to affect the gameplay, look ans sound of the video game to ensure the artwork, gameplay and music is its highest quality to improve the experience of the game.

Quality insurance

QA tester - this person is hired by the publisher to give there review of the game before it goes public like finding flaws by testing and debugging the game so the game can be its best quality and play-ability.

Business development

Public relations manager - this person will create content for the public to enhance the public image of the video game, publisher and game studio, this person will also create a forum to listen to the players if they have any problems with the game for example a bug in the game needs fixing.

Product manager - this person will select what idea should be pursued for a business benefit they will look at what the public are interested in at the time and will ask the development team to create or find an idea for a video game that will be passed down into development and published to hopefully make a profit.

Marketing executive - this person will promote the video game, this is probably one of the most important job because of how most of the public look at video games being they make people violent so it is the marketing executive to come up with a creative idea that will appeal to all public so the video game is a success.

Marketing manager - this person will come up with a plan to promote and sell the video game, this person is very good at communicating with people about the video game and this person might not know the video game too well but they know how to use there managing skills to create a marketing campaign to sell the game.


Tuesday 20 September 2016

Task 1 - structure - The Value Chain

Image result for games developerDevelopers will make console games for the ps4, Xbox and 3DS along with PC games but now the new system is mobile games and its becoming the bigger market between the four. Developers will either make a new game or update an existing title like Gears Of War. A developer will have knowledge of computer science and software engineering, animation, graphic design and interactive media. A developers role will vary between:

Designer - how the game will look,
Artist - creating concept art for characters, objects and scenery,
Animator - using computer modelling the animator will bring characters and scenery to life,
Programmer - creating a script of code for the game to run on like gameplay, developing graphics and AI.

These are the people who really make great games an example is Bethesda this company develops a game and publishes them. They have made the long lasting titles Fallout, Elder Scrolls and Doom games. This company is unique for the stories and open world games personally I think they are unique for the game play they present to the player whatever game you are playing the certain movements and how you go along they game feel similar to others and it Clicks in you're head "I'm playing a Bethesda game". This feeling makes you comfortable because you've played a game like it so you start to enjoy it more.

Valve is another company that develops and publishes their games but, in a different style at valve the employees make what ever game they feel like which is the reason there games a so diverse not only to their rivals but even their previous publish games like Team Fortress , Portal and Half-Life. Both of these companies are good at making games and publishing them but between the two Bethesda only release a game every 4 years compared to valve who release games on steam every couple of week so this means every time a Bethesda game is going to be release it causes big tension with gamer's making it a big event which lets the game sell it self.


Publishers are responsible for for their products manufacturing, marketing and research and pretty much all advertising. A publisher will finance developers and come to an agreement of the games licences like the publishers buying the rights to the title but letting the developers work on their project or either hire the developers to make a game for their console. The large publishers will have their own sound designers and graphic designers to help develop the game and distribute it on the release date.
Rockstar games is owned by Take-Two Interactive. Rockstar has made popular titles like Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead, Rockstar games are similar to Bethesda in the way they advertise their games as they only produce a game every 4-5 years.

Console Manufactures/First Party Publishers
Image result for ps4 slimConsole manufacturing is handled by the first party publishers specifically Sony, Nintendo and Xbox these companies have large amount of power on the video game industry as they decide which game should be developed for their console and what will have priority marketing like Crash Bandicoot who is a video game character and mascot for the PlayStation 1 and 2 but, because of this fact they help developers and publishers on working projects to eventually release on their respected console platform.

PlayStation release their own first party games like the critically acclaimed series Uncharted and God Of War. Microsoft owns the Xbox the developers Microsoft studios make the first party games for the Xbox their best sellers being Gears Of War and Halo. In my opinion PlayStation is better between the two because of the exclusive content on games as well as PlayStation putting countless deals on their store, and if the user of the PlayStation has PlayStation Plus they will get three games a month for free. In addition Microsoft do have deals for their users but its not as charming as PlayStation their slogan "4 The Players" really hits it home.
Distribution and Retail
Steam icon logo.svgToday it is much easier to buy a video game because of Digital Distribution now you can go online and simply push a few buttons and buy it. The Company Valve own Steam this is a website where you can buy games online for PC, in 2015 Valve reported they earn 3.5 billion in sales from steam so this is looking more like the future of selling video games.

A retailer like GameStop are on quick decline because of digital distribution but, to prevent them declining they have invested more into their trading system for example trading a game you dont play anymore and getting money for it or even valuable points which you can spend on a new game or console. Ultimately digital distribution will not decline unless a very popular game title was only available in physical form.


Outsourcing companies
video game companies will outsource jobs and tasks like design, art, programming, voice acting and sound affects as well as motion capture, cinematic or even translating foreign language for the game. These jobs and tasks are given to thousands of companies and freelance contractors across the world. In addition a game studio based in Manchester will be working on a game for a Indian publisher who then outsources the game design to a freelance contractor in San Francisco.
Image result for Outsourcing companies

Press and Media
video game journalism is the report and review and general information of video games an example of a games journalist is IGN who present video game news from games being developed to their opinion of the game when its released.
Image result for ignVideo games haven't always had the greatest opinions from the general press as they say video games make people to violent things, For example in this video:

we see mothers watching a scary game that is 18 rated but is being advertised to ages younger because of this games are given a bad name, because of companies like EA making this advert stopped video games from getting the praise like they do today compared to IGN who tell the viewer how the video game really is.